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Research series 6/23

Research Series 6-23 “Data and Creativity – Two sides of the same coin” In the current research series, you will learn about the key areas of application for generative AI in the field of market-oriented corporate management and why

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Gallery and Highlights: Board appointments and marketing award

  On October 24, Kaufleuten in Zurich was the meeting place for executives from the Swiss business and marketing environment. The gfm event was all about innovations and recognitions. New executive board at gfm Dr. Dominique von Matt, President

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Marketing award winner 2023

gfm marketing award 2023 goes to Stöckli Swiss Sports AG! The gfm presented its 2023 Marketing Award on October 24. The winner of this year’s award is Stöckli Swiss Sports AG. Marc Gläser, CEO, and Christian Gut, Chief Consumer Officer at

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Research series 5/23

Research Series 5-23 “Luxury in Transition More than ever, luxury is on the move and changing. Existing things seem to lose their anchor and require a contemporary interpretation. Second-hand is gaining a secure place in the sales of luxury

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Marketing Tech Monitor 2023

Status on the Via Dolorosa on the Way to Data-Driven Marketing in DACH For the past five years, the Marketing Tech Monitor has been published annually. On more than 170 pages, it identifies the status quo and strategies for data-based customer

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gfm Webinar "Corporate Purpose - the most credible Swiss brands 2023".

“Corporate Purpose – the most credible Swiss brands 2023”. Victorinox, Migros and Geberit top. Glencore and Credit Suisse flop. Discover the results of the largest survey of Purpose credibility of leading Swiss companies with Simon

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