Marketing Tech Monitor 2023
Status on the Via Dolorosa on the Way to Data-Driven Marketing in DACH
For the past five years, the Marketing Tech Monitor has been published annually. On more than 170 pages, it identifies the status quo and strategies for data-based customer management based on a survey of almost 1,500 marketing and digital managers in D/A/CH plus around 30 qualitative interviews, and underpins these with case studies (such as from Lufthansa or Coop). Here, the status quo is not only described descriptively, but normative recommendations for action are given for the implementation of data-driven marketing. All info can be found at: www.marketingtechmonitor.com.
Ralf Strauß, as a former manager of many years at SAP and Volkswagen as well as president of the German Marketing Association and the European Marketing Confederation, will outline the most important results and discuss the implications with the participants.