31. gfm Trend Conference
Conference Fee:
CHF 690.- for gfm members
CHF 990.- for non members
The conference fee per participant will be invoiced after receipt of registration and is not subject to VAT.
New Marketing – the dawn of a new era
If we fundamentally accept that it is not us who generate value for customers and sell it to them, but that customers are at the center of value creation, we must also abandon the linear thinking of the value chain.
Customers are at the center of value constellations. When they plan a trip, build a house, commute to work every day, they use a variety of services and products, and our job in marketing is to be or remain a key partner in these value constellations.

Andrea Vetsch
Moderation der gfm Trend-Tagung 2022

Daniel Grieder
CEO Hugo Boss AG

Franziska Böhm
Vertical Lead Kickstart Innovation

Georges Kern
CEO Breitling

Nadine Nyffenegger

Philipp Zwez
Managing Director Universal Music GmbH

Marc Baumann
Head Of Marketing & Communications Bitcoin Suisse

Sarah Schlagenhauf
Founder & CEO ArtDeal

Stefan Michel
Dean IMD Executive MBA

Roger Dudler
Founder & CEO Frontify

Simon Koch
CEO Swiss Startup Factory

Gregor Erismann
CCO Exeon Analytics

Sami Arpa
CEO / Co-Founder Largo