What are the most innovative startups in the field of artificial intelligence and sustainability currently working on? How can gfm members tap into innovation potential together with them? At the Innovation Day, 10 founders – including Acodis, AI Retailer Systems, Animatico, Synhelion and Hegias – will pitch and demonstrate concrete synergy opportunities in the areas of AI and sustainability.
One of the speakers will be Pascal Kaufmann, founder and CEO of Mindfire. As a neuroscientist and entrepreneur, he produces AI solutions for corporate knowledge management. He has more than 20 years of experience in the field of AI and will introduce this topic at the gfm Innovation Day.
Our second speaker will be Franziska Heidenreich from myclimate. The NGO promotes local and global climate protection together with Partners, advises and trains others. The co-director of climate protection projects tells us how she approaches this in a science-based and business-oriented way.